昨年国立工芸館にて行われました「ポケモン×工芸展 ― 美とわざの大発見 ―」の巡回展が3月30日より滋賀県・佐川美術館にて始まります。その後も静岡、東京、愛知、青森、長崎での巡回が予定されており、新作も追加されていくようです。
●展示期間:2024年3月30日(土)〜 6月9日(日)
●開館時間:午前9時30分 ~ 午後5時(入館は午後4時30分まで)
The exhibition of "POKÉMON X KOGEI Playful Encounters of Pokémon and Japanese Craft" held at the National Crafts Museum last year will open at the Sagawa Art Museum in Shiga on March 30. After that, the exhibition is scheduled to tour to Shizuoka, Tokyo, Aichi, Aomori, and Nagasaki, with new works to be added.
Please visit the exhibition when you are in the area.
・Venue: Sagawa Art Museum
・Address: 2891 Kitagawa, Mizuho-cho, Moriyama-shi, Shiga
・Exhibition schedule: March 30 (Sat) - June 9 (Sun), 2024
・Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Admission until 4:30 p.m.)
・Closed: Mondays (open on April 29 and May 6), April 30 and May 7
・Special exhibition website: https://kogei.pokemon.co.jp